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At Ideal Ayurvedic Resort, each individual is analyzed constitutionally followed by proper ayurvedic disease diagnosis and then therapies are started for the same. We provide ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis in Kerala that is unique to each individual and their body type (dosha), identifying the underlying factors in the ailment.

ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis and eczema

Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that appears on the skin. It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis is not contagious.

Psoriasis commonly occurs as red, scaly patches on the skin, although some patients have no dermatological symptoms. The scaly patches caused by psoriasis, called psoriasis plaques, are areas of inflammation and excessive skin production. Skin rapidly accumulates at these sites and takes on a silvery – white appearance. Plaques frequently occur on the skin of the elbows and knees but can affect any area including the scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet, an aspect of the joint.

According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis is regarded as Ekakushta, a type of kshudra Kushta. This is a curable skin disease.

Psoriasis can be considered as the vitiation of Vata and Kapha. Irregular food habits, consumption of incompatible food, excessive intake of yogurt, black gram, seafood, sour and salted items etc. can activate the pathogenesis.

Ayurvedic Treatment to Cure Psoriasis:

Balancing the body doshas, detoxification and cleansing the body is very important in Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment. Toxins are cleansed from the body and digestion restored to prevent further accumulation. Nourishing herbs are then administrated to strengthen and tone the tissues to promote complete healing of the skin.

Treatments Included in Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis :

Ideal Ayurvedic Resort offer the best Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis using traditional and authentic Panchakarma therapy inludes natural substances, herbal medicines, and oils. Snehapanam is one of the most important ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis & eczema, Consumption of medicated ghee oil. Vaman induce vomiting (Vamana) which elimination of toxins(Vamana) and Virechana (purgation), excretes toxins and collect at the earlier stage

Lepanam : In this treatment medicines along with some herbal liquids are mixed in the form of paste is applied to the affected parts of the body. The lepanam acts as a body scrub used to smooth the skin, rejuvenate blood circulation, relieve aches, remove skin disorders, pain management etc.

Abhyanga : Abhyanga is one of the most important therpay in psoriasis ayurvedic treatment in kerala. External oleation or abhyanga is a specialized oil massage and as per ayurvedic theory, abhyanga helps to move toxins towards the intestines in order to encourage their removal from the body. Abhyanga is also known to reduce dryness of the skin and to reduce the severity of scaling.

Snehapanam : Internal oleation (snehapanam) is consuming medicated oil. Type and volume(dosage) is decided based on patient’s constitution. Dosage and combinations are also based on individual’s dosha constitution and the progression of the disease. Medicated ghee for psoriasis ayurvedic treatment usually contains liver cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and immune modulating herbs. Snehapanam decrease scaling, itching, and dryness of psoriasis.

Pizhichil : For this therapy, we pour medicated oils continuously on the patient’s body for a few minutes. The therapy tones, relax, nourishes and improves the immunity of the body by enabling detoxification.

Takradhara :In Takradhara a solution of buttermilk and medicated herbs are poured on the entire body of the patient. The treatment helps in nourishing the skin and the medicated herbs help repair the skin cells and reduce inflammation.

Diet : Diet is very important in posiriasis ayurvedic treatment. Intake of foods really make a change in the disease, So we advise our patients to follow a strict containing menus that are easily digestible and are balanced with ingredients to maintain appropriate levels of Pitta and Kapha doshas.

The above package includes the following services for the duration of stay:

Accommodation as per the category of booking.

Daily Ayurvedic treatments.

Ayurvedic vegetarian full board meal.

Intial, daily and final consultation by the doctor.

Free medicines during the treatment period.

Composition of an individual Ayurveda diet menu.

Airport Transfer from Trivandrum.

Duration of the treatments may vary according to the direction of the doctor and process may change depending upon the patient’s body condition.

1. How leisurely implied and required is treatment?The duration of the treatment is determined mainly by the gravity of the ailment and the individual's responsiveness to therapy. A standard treatment session is usually scheduled between 2 and 4 weeks but this can be regulated according to the requirement of your case.

2. Are the treatments safe?Yes, you can be assured of the safety of our Ayurvedic treatments. They are made from natural, herbal ingredients. Our treatments are guided by skilled and experienced practitioners to avoid any adverse effects.

3. Will I have to go on a special diet?Yes, dietary adjustment is a crucial part of Ayurvedic treatment. We offer tailor-made dietary plans which we hope it will help to curb and for sure the treatment will be effective.

4. How early can I expect results?Different people get different results from the same treatment. Some patients might note improvements within a day or two, the others can occur within the week or less. However, staying focused and following the right treatment plan is the recipe for success.

5. Can Ayurvedic treatment be mixed with other medications?It is highly recommended to discuss both with your Ayurvedic practitioner and your primary care provider, about the use of Ayurvedic therapies together with other medications. This is to ensure that it is safe to take the medications together and that the treatment is appropriate for your needs.

6. Are there any side effects?Ayurveda treatments tend to be very safe and have little to almost no side effects. Although, there might be a few individuals who might exhibit temporary responses like light detoxification. Our practitioners will assist you step by step during the course of treatment to assure your ease of use.

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